Tuesday 22 April 2014

Earth Day

The students enjoyed activities which encouraged us all to make Earth friendly choices.  Little changes by individuals add up to big changes for our home on Planet Earth.  Thanks to all the parent helpers and to the students in the Environment Group.

Monday 21 April 2014

Gymnasts in Action

I was impressed by the effort and improvement in all of the students.  And of course we had fun!  Thank you to Erin, the coach, and to the PAC for providing this opportunity.

Learning About Healthy Choices

Nursing students from BCIT presented a Health Fair for Grades 4 to 6.  There were four interactive
stations with varying topics.


Monday 7 April 2014

Farewell to Ms. McEwen, our Student Teacher

Thank you Parents who sent treats and to everyone for sending flowers.  We had a nice celebration, and I know Ms. McEwen really appreciated the beautiful bouquet and the booklet with messages from the children.

Ask your child to show the personalized message Ms. M. wrote for him/her.

We will miss Ms. McEwen.  She was hard working, creative, dedicated, and caring!

A Visit from the Asahikawa Student Band

We were treated to an amazing performance by this group of Japanese highschool students.  Not only did they play their instruments very well, but choreographed movements, costumes, dance, singing (in English), and even blindfold playing was included.

After the concert, a few Japanese students joined each class and taught origami (without being able to speak English).  A fun and interesting challenge for all of us.