Letter to Parents

September /19

Dear Parents of Division 6 Students,

We’re off to a great start! I am happy to be back, and the students seem to be as well. Their energy and enthusiasm are evident. I know some of your children because I was lucky to have taught them in Grade 4 and again this year. I am looking forward to getting to know the new (to me) students.

I would like to take this opportunity to welcome you to a new school year and to provide you with some information I hope will be helpful. I am teaching Division 6 Tuesdays to Fridays, and Laura Faganello is teaching the class on Mondays. We are looking forward to working with the students, all of you, and with each other. 

Our schedule looks like this. We have gym time on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. On Tuesdays and Thursdays we often have Daily Physical Activity (DPA). The children are not expected to change for physical activity if they are already wearing clothing that is appropriate for exercise, but they may if they choose to do so. Running shoes, a light shirt, and shorts or loose fitting or stretchy pants that do not drag on the floor are required. Our library time is on Mondays, and the library is open for book exchange at other times as well. Music is on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

We feel that your child’s success can best be achieved by effective communication between parents and teachers. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact one or both of us as soon as possible via a note in the planner, (it is very important that your child then shows us the note), by telephone or by e-mail (lreichert@sd44.ca and lfaganello@sd44.ca). We can then discuss the problem and solutions or arrange a time when we can meet to do this. We are also happy to talk with you after school, but please keep in mind that we are often busy with students for at least the first 10 minutes following dismissal and sometimes there are meetings scheduled after school. 

If you have information that will help us understand your child, such as health concerns, difficulties in the family, past problems at school (social and/or academic) that may affect your child’s ability to learn, please share this with us. It enables us to understand and assist your child. All information will be kept confidential. We also like to know about accomplishments and other happy, proud moments, and we encourage the children to share them with the class.

When possible, we would also like to know in advance of upcoming plans for family vacations etc. 

Assignments, due dates, and general reminders are written on the side whiteboard. Students are given class time to carefully copy the information from this board into their planners. Parents are encouraged to look at the board as well. Planners are checked from time to time, more regularly for students needing assistance with this. We recommend parents check the planner regularly. Students are expected to catch up as soon as possible after absences. If your child is absent, we encourage a parent or sibling to come to the classroom following dismissal, and we will try to have missed work ready to go home. After extended absences, we will help students come up with a plan to catch up. 

Homework will be assigned some days with class time usually given to complete at least some of it. We realize that many of the children are very busy with after school and evening activities and keep this in mind when assigning homework. All students will benefit from reviewing previously completed work, and all should try to read at least 15 minutes daily. Occasionally, projects will be assigned that are to be completed over a period of time. Students will be given a written outline with due dates and we will include an electronic version on the class blog.

From time to time your child may not be able to complete homework (because he/she is not feeling well, he/she is having trouble understanding a question, there is no time for homework due to a special family event etc.) When this happens, please write a short note in the planner to let us know. If homework is not completed and no note of explanation is provided, a homework notice may be sent home to be signed by a parent. If homework is regularly not completed we will contact the parents, and together with the student we can set up a plan to solve the problem. 

Duo tangs are expected to be kept neat, complete, and organized. Scribbling on the covers is not acceptable. However, students have been told they may decorate their “Doodles” duo tang covers with appropriate drawings, stickers etc. All students’ possessions should be clearly labelled. Any valuables should be left at home.

Finally, we would like to remind you that your child’s attitude is the most important determinant of his/her success. You can help foster a positive attitude by showing that you feel positively about school. This can be done by discussing your child’s day, showing an interest in his/her work and pride in the effort, checking the planner and the assigned homework as needed, discussing your child’s hopes and goals, stopping by to look at art work etc., coming to us with concerns, volunteering to accompany the class on field trips, and so on.

If you are able and willing to volunteer in the classroom or drive for field trips, please complete the forms ASAP. This will make the planning process much easier for the office staff and us and ensure special events can take place. Thank you!

Our classroom has a website. From time to time we will post photos etc. Quizzes and tests, special assignments, and reminders will also be posted. The website can be reached via the school website or directly: lreichertbrooksbank.blogspot.ca You can subscribe to it.

We hope this information answers most of your questions.

Let’s work together to make this a great year!

L. Reichert (and L. Faganello)