Tuesday 27 January 2015

Soapstone Carving

The students had the opportunity to learn to carve the softest rock, soapstone, with a professional sculptor.  Come and see their carvings in the trophy case by the main office.  They're beautiful, and the students are very proud.

Wednesday 7 January 2015

Time to Start Practising Times and Division Facts

Time to Start Practising Times and Division Facts

Time to Learn Our Times Facts and Division Facts Too

Every Thursday starting soon the students will have a multiplication and division facts quiz.  We are starting soon with 2X up to 2X10 and ÷ 2 up to 20 ÷ 2.  Your child will write what she/he needs to study in the planner on Mondays.

Help your child by having him/her
1.  skip count forward and backwards ie. 0, 2, 4 ... 20 and 20, 18, 16 ... 0
2.  draw a clock (your child can explain) and say the facts in order then out of order.  Time him to show the improvement.
3.  use flash cards
4.  use multiplication and division apps (math drills lite has been recommended by a parent)
5.  complete the handouts I provide
6.  continue to review the tables (a few minutes a day is most effective)

Thank you for your support!

Novel (Chapter Book) Assignment

The students have just learned about this assignment.  Please read over the paper copy with your child, help him/her set up a schedule for reading the novel and completing the assignment, and sign the assignment so I know you've seen it.

We will discuss the expectations often throughout the month.  An example of a finished report is at the front of the room to look at, and please feel free to ask any questions you have.

Thanks for your support with this.

Novel Report Assignment

The novel you choose must be at least 100 pages long or approved by Ms. Reichert.  The report must include the following:

Part 1: due Mon. Jan. 12th / 5
Choose a novel and complete a timeline on the calendar showing chapters you will read, assignment parts you will complete, and tentative due dates
Note:  The novel should be read by approximately the end of the third week.  Some parts of the assignment can be completed before you finish reading the book.

Parts 2 to 7: due Fri. Jan. 30th

Part 2:                              / 3
title page              
- on unlined paper
- Include title of novel, author, an appropriate hand drawn picture, and your name. 

Part 3:                                / 2               
a) name of publishing company, b) date of publishing, c) category of book (see balanced reading wheel)

Part 4:                                / 10
a)  Main Characters:  Choose 5 words or phrases to describe each of the main characters.
b)  Setting:  Choose 5 words or phrases to describe the setting.
c)  Plot:  Complete the Plot handout.

Part 5:                              / 3
a brief (5 sentences) comment about the book
How did it make you feel?
Was it interesting?  Why or why not?
Was it an appropriate reading level?  Why or why not?
Would you recommend it to others?  Why or why not?

Part 6:                               /1
an example of a good description (fancy writing) from the story.  Copy the exact words.

Part 7:                              /1
List 5 new (or interesting) words and their meanings.  Use a dictionary, but write the definitions in your own words.

Spelling, Punctuation, Word Order, and Neatness:     / 5

Total:                                 / 30
Note:  You will be given some time to read in class and work on the report.  However, most of the work is to be completed at home.

Welcome Back!

Welcome back and Happy New Year!    I hope you all had a pleasant holiday.  It's great to be back with the students this week.  The students seem refreshed and eager to get busy at school.

Thank you for all your generous and thoughtful gifts.  Please ask your child to share the welcome back / thank you card in his / her planner pocket with you.