Saturday 27 February 2016

Christy Clark Writes Back

I was pleased to show the students a letter signed by Christy Clark.  She thanked the students for their letters expressing concern about the grizzly hunt in BC.  She also mentioned that there has been a lot of feedback on this issue.

Tally brought a newspaper article to class which stated that there will be a gradual end to the trophy hunt on the central coast, home of the rare white spirit bears.

The students are learning that the government can be influenced.

Saturday 20 February 2016

Kids in the Know

We have been working our way through a program called "Kids in the Know".  It is a safety program designed for children form Kindergarten to high school.  The purpose of the program is to teach children effective personal safety strategies.  Lessons on child personal safety and and sexual exploitation provide children with the tools to help them respond to dangerous or threatening situations.

I will preface every topic with the reminder that most adults are good and want what's best for children and that hopefully they will never run into a dangerous situation of this type.  But just as we learn traffic and fire safety, it is important to learn strategies to prevent this type of danger.

If you have any questions or concerns, please see me.

Once again, thank you for your support.
L. Reichert

Sunday 14 February 2016

The Grizzly Hunt in BC

As you are probably aware, we learned about the grizzly hunt in BC.  In most cases, only the head and paws are kept and the rest of the animal is discarded.  The students learned facts, (some new to me!), and used this information to protest the hunt in letters to Premier Clark.  The letters have been sent, and we await a reply (hopefully).  The students also created water colour paintings of grizzly habitat which they framed in
grizzly outlines.  They're beautiful!

Wednesday 10 February 2016

Valentine's Day Plans

This Friday, the children will have a chance to exchange valentines.  The children know that if they wish to bring valentines, they must bring one for each of their classmates.  The students had a chance to copy classmates' names today, or they can find a class list in the Student Directory.  Alwen is not on the list because she arrived after it was compiled.  If you wish to send small preferably healthy treats, they will be appreciated.  Please keep in mind there are students in the class with nut and egg allergies.
Image result for Hearts in Nature  
Thank you and Happy Valentine's Day!

We Miss You Dalai

An important member of our class has been visiting in India since December.  We hope he is having a great trip, and we look forward to his return at the end of February.

Friday 5 February 2016

Compassion Is:

Student of the Week

Congratulations Xander!

Our Field Trip to the Artists for Kids (or Gordon Smith) Gallery

The students marched to Lonsdale and back in the rain and didn't complain to me.  What troopers!
At the gallery the students learned about various pieces of art through observation and discussion.  They also created their own master pieces based on what they learned.

Thank you Karel, (Tally's grandpa) and Christine, (Carter's mom) for accompanying us.

Monday 1 February 2016

Read to Succeed

Vancouver Giants came to school today to encourage students to read a minimum of 15 minutes per day and to exercise a minimum of 30 minutes per day.  The students will take their Read to Succeed tally sheets home on Wednesday.  The incentive is free tickets to a Giants game for students
and tickets for family members at a reduced price.

Student of the Week

Congratulations Iman!

Compassion Is: