Tuesday 28 November 2017

Small Prizes Wanted, Please

If your child has small gently used toys etc. that are no longer required, please send them to school.  Our Wow prize box is getting low on prizes.

Thank you!

Students of the Weeks

Congratulations Ty, Laura, Julia, and Keston!

Wednesday 22 November 2017

Learn More About Immigration Inside a Real Train

Parents may enjoy taking their family to the Vancouver Museum.
This is a short exhibit to learn about Canadian Immigration to the West, inside a real train!  November 25-December 3

Engage with like minds at the Museum of Vancouver (MOV), where interesting, innovative, and fun events and programs are happening regularly.

Jane Beleski
Brooksbank Learning Support

Book Report Assignment

Book Report

The students have received an assignment which is to be completed  by Thursday December 14th.  Please see below.  They have a paper copy in their Reading duo tangs. If you haven't already, please read through the assignment with your child, help him/her complete the time management calendar on the back, and sign in the section above the calendar.  The calendar should include a tentative plan showing when chapters of the book will be read and when the various parts of the book report will be completed.  Please note some parts can be completed before the book is completely read.  Some parts must be completed after the book is read.  Some parts take longer than others.  

We have discussed this in class and the students are enthusiastic and already working hard.

Please feel free to see me with any concerns or questions.  The students also know they can do this.

Thank you for your support helping your child to learn time management skills.

Book Report
The novel (chapter book) you choose must be at least 100 pages long or approved by Mr. Earland.  The report must include the following:
Part 1:  due ______________________                                                                                                            /5
Choose a novel and complete a timeline on the calendar showing chapters you will read, assignment parts you will complete, and tentative due dates.
Parts 2 to 7:  due __________________
Part 2:                                                                                                                                                                                     /3
Title Page                                                                                                                              
- on unlined paper
- include title of novel, author, an appropriate hand drawn picture, and your name.
Part 3:                                                                                                                                                                                    /2
a) name of publishing company, b) date of publishing, c) category of book (see balanced reading wheel)
Part 4:                                                                                                                                                                                    /10
a) Main Characters:  Choose 5 words or phrases to describe each of the main characters.
b) Setting:  Choose 5 words or phrases to describe the setting.
c) Plot:  Complete the Plot handout.
Part 5:                                                                                                                                                                                    /3
A brief (5 sentences) comment about the book
How did it make you feel?  Was it interesting? Why or why not?  Was it an appropriate reading level?  Why or why not?  Would you recommend it to others?  Why or why not?
Part 6:                                                                                                                                                                                    /1
An example of a good description (fancy writing) from the story.  Copy the exact words.
Part 7:                                                                                                                                                                                    /1
List 5 new words and their meanings.  Use a dictionary, but write the definitions in your own words.

Spelling, Punctuation, Word Order, and Neatness:                                                                        /5
Total:                                                                                                                                                                                    /30

Note:  You will be given some time to read in class and work on the report.  However, most of the work is to be completed at home.

Monday 13 November 2017

Remembrance Day Celebration

Thank you to Mrs. Dolan, Mrs. Kristensen, and Grade 7 students for organizing and running a moving Remembrance Day assembly.  At recess and lunch students eagerly read and shared the messages on leaves and admired the natural artwork.  Ms. Frogley reported that

The kids were loving going around the school grounds and reading the positive messages.

I even saw some from other classes protecting and rebuilding the structures that your students had made.

Their art pieces conveyed a beautiful message of peace and impermanence. 

Perhaps, on the weekend, dog walkers and soccer players were also able to appreciate the students' work 

Natural and Impermanent Art

The students were inspired by the work of Diana Lynn Thompson, (a local artist) to create impermanent art that is beautiful and peaceful.

Wednesday 8 November 2017

Messages of Peace

After a discussion about what we are able to take for granted and what other children in the world cannot, the students wrote what Peace means to them on leaves which they will distribute on the playground.  They are hoping that as the leaves are tossed by the wind, many people will see the messages and pass them onto others.  Our wish and hopefully our collective goal is for all of the children in the world to experience peace.   Here are some examples of their thoughts.