Thursday 15 March 2018

Conferences and Happy Holidays

Thank you for coming to the student parent teacher conferences.  The students were glad you came!  I hope you felt you learned about your child's successes and goals for next term. It's always good to have your input as well.

We have all worked hard and are ready for a break!  Have a happy safe spring break!

Buddy Comics

The Grade 5 students worked with their buddies to create comics in which the little buddies were super heroes.  Mr. Karr told me later that his students really liked working with the older students.  They felt special.


I am learning how to use Freshgrade.  After the break, the students will be sending photos and videos of some of their work using this technology.  Please read about it below.

Skiing Fun!

Practising Long Jump

Thank you Ms. Peter

We have been lucky to have a student teacher from Switzerland work with us for the past three weeks.  Today the students thanked her for helping in many ways and for teaching us a little about her country.

Supplies Needed

At this point in the school year, your child may have used up some of his/her school supplies.  In your child's planner you should find a list of supplies that are needed.  Please send the items after the spring break.  (Used items are encouraged.)  Prior to sending them, please have your child label the items with a permanent marker.

Thank you

Sunday 4 March 2018

Pink Shirt Day

We participated in the Family of Schools Pink Shirt Day flash mob at Grand Boulevard.  Unfortunately the weather didn't cooperate and it was difficult to hear speeches, but we all showed our support for inclusion, compassion, and sticking up for each other.  At school, we attended an assembly organized by the Do Good committee.  Many students from Division 6 worked hard to create a video with a message.  These students should be commended: Amelia, Olivia, Roya, Daniel, Drew, and Aly.

1 Metre Cubed

How many Grade 5 students fit into a 1 metre cubed cage?