Tuesday 24 April 2018

Bob the Cat and His Human, James

We watched a short video about a down and out busker in London, England who turned his life around in order to help an injured stray cat.
The cat repaid him with his loyalty. Passersby noticed, took pictures, and made scarves for Bob. Eventually James and Bob became somewhat famous. They were interviewed, books were written, and now even a movie has been made.


Because no one knows Bob’s story before he met James, the students have been asked to write a fictitious account.

By now their rough draft should be completed. They have been asked to edit, type, save, and print their stories by Monday. Ideally, the hey should do their own typing. Please assist your child with basic editing. Help him/her to find spelling, punctuation, and sentence structure mistakes and to make sure the story makes sense.

Please do not suggest changes to their story ideas. In class we will work to improve sentence starters, description, add paragraphs etc.

Thank you for supporting your child. Many are quite excited about this project. 

Monday 23 April 2018

A Fort for All

The students were given the challenge to create a fort with walls and a roof that was big enough for the whole class to fit in.  Leadership, creativity, and tenacity were demonstrated by many.  They were successful!

Student of the Week

Congratulations Andrew!