Wednesday 31 October 2018

Happy Hallowe'en (Joyeux Halloween)

The students presented Halloween safety skits to their Grade 1 buddies.  Oscars for all!  Then they presented safety certificates.

Have a safe sugary Hallowe'en!

Sunday 28 October 2018

Doing Our Part to Keep the School Grounds Tidy

We discussed what the world would be like if everybody left things just a little better than we found them.  Then the kids went nuts picking up garbage.  The grounds looked a lot better when they were done!

Brain Teaser

TJ and his brother Gavin helped demonstrate how a similar photo was taken.  How many kilograms of weight is this incredibly strong teacher lifting?

Pumpkin Art

The students learned about perspective and shading as they worked with chalk pastels to create pumpkin patches.  I'm pleased with the results.  I hope you are too!

Friday 19 October 2018

Students Vote

Students had a chance to vote on Thursday.  The votes will be added this weekend and on Monday the results of student votes throughout the city and district will be shared.  Thank you for supporting your child in the decision making process.

Tuesday 16 October 2018

The Municipal Election

The students worked in teams to create posters based on a scavenger hunt through local newspapers and pamphlets.  They have a short homework assignment in their Social Studies duo tang as well.  Some are quite excited about the election!

Orange Shirt Day and Residential Schools

Many students wore orange shirts to show they cared about the victims of residential schools.
 We designed spirit stones with words and images to remind us we all matter and to give us comfort when needed.

While sitting in a circle with the students, I read the story of Phyllis and her orange shirt which was taken away from her at a residential school.  A talking stick was passed around so students could share their thoughts and feelings.  After the Orange Shirt Day assembly each student created a CSI.  (They each chose a colour, symbol, and image that represented their thoughts and explained why.)

Sunday 14 October 2018

Hope You Had a Happy Thanksgiving Weekend!

Kurt and Roanne teaching us a Thank You prayer in sign language
The students also created skits using words and phrases the Pilgrims might have used such as Huzzah! and arsy-varsy.