Monday 28 October 2019

The Results Are In

After much discussion about government and the election in Mr. Earland's Social Studies class, the students had a chance to exercise their democratic rights by voting.  The Greens won in Division 6, and students across the country elected the Liberals.

Tuesday 15 October 2019

Scare Crows

The students designed and created lifelike scare crows.  These included a geologist, soccer player, runner, a pilot, and more.  We set them up temporarily in Gerry's garden and then moved them indoors by the office to be admired by the whole school.  Gerry and Molly came to see them and were quite impressed.  I was pleased by all of the students' efforts and their team work.

Monday 14 October 2019

Climate Change Challenge

Manon, a representative from North Vancouver City presented a Cool It Climate workshop.  The students were given props to help them imagine a future time and the positive changes they could make to decrease the effects of climate change.  They have been asked to participate in a challenge to be completed with their families over the next 4 weeks.  Please consider participating by going to the following link.  Reichert Div.6

Tuesday 8 October 2019

Climate Change (What We Can Do About It)

The students were given a little homework two weeks ago.  They were asked to answer 2 questions:
1.  What is a protest?
2.  Why are students from all over the world protesting on September 27th, 2019?

The next day, the students in our class listened to an impassioned speech by Greta Thunberg and we discussed climate change.  They realize climate change (global warming) is taking place at a rate much faster than plants and animals (including people) can adapt.  Most importantly, we talked about what we can do about it.  The students created a display for our library so that all students of Brooksbank can see it and hopefully make changes to reduce the effects of climate change.