Thursday 18 June 2020

Happy, Safe Summer!

Thanks for a Great Year!

Fun and Learning at Home June 16th - 19th

The students continually amaze me with the fun and learning taking place at home. Liam used Scratch coding to make a game which he shared in MSteams fun assignments. Very cool!  Thanks, Liam!  When Andrew isn't building bike trails, he's practising jumps! Wow!  Jack received a KiwiCo box in the mail and made his own spinner art machine. Fun and wild art!  Ms. MacAarthur sent photos of beautiful PEI.

Happy Birthday Sonia!

Happy Birthday 

So athletic

One smart kid

Never mean to others

Is very responsible

All are lucky to know her!

Friday 12 June 2020

Learning and Fun at Home Week of June 9th - 12th

Here we have Ms. MacArthur working in her garden while in isolation at her parents' cottage in PEI.  Thankfully she can still work with us from so far away.  Ethan and his sister, Sarah, are celebrating her birthday.

Happy Birthday Harjeev!

Happy Birthday 


Always considerate of others

Responsible about getting work done and doing his share

Jumpy and speedy
Easy to get along with


We are Very Lucky to know him!

Friday 5 June 2020

Happy Birthday Nico!

Happy Birthday Nico!

Never naughty (well maybe just the right amount)

Is always happy


Oh so much fun!

Wednesday 3 June 2020

May 26th - 29th Fun and Learning at Home

Here is Maya making a wish on her birthday.  I hope the wish came true.  She is fishing in the next photo, but the fish had all the luck!  Ethan is cooking a fabulous spaghetti and meatballs meal for his family.  The basil he used is home grown.  Cool onion googles!  If they really work I want a pair.  Liam found the colours of the rainbow in a garden.

Friday 22 May 2020

May 19 - 22 At Home Learning and Fun

More fun and learning!  Anaiya, Sierra, Molly, and their siblings rode their bicycles and made noise in appreciation of frontline workers.  Cole and his brother made tie dye T shirts and planted a vegetable garden.  (I think a lot of Div. 6 students will be eating fresh veggies this summer.)  Elizabeth's cat is also 'learning' on-line.

Thanks for sending photos!

Friday 15 May 2020

Week of May 12th - 15th Learning and Fun

This week's at home highlights include Jack's colourful art inspired by Lisa Congdon and Jack working with snap circuits which he hasn't used for a long time.  Ethan's feeling lucky because he found a 4 leaf clover.  He looks really tiny next to totem poles on Burnaby Mountain.  Jesse, what is your chicken's name?  How do you take care of her? Jesse also sent a photo of his stuffy playing video games.  Madison has been busy woodworking and baking. She and her brother made the swords and shields.  She also made a robot with her dad.  The 5 minute crafts she made are for a business she and her friends are starting.  Jordan has been working with clay.  What fun!

Please send photos from Crazy Head Day for next week's blog. 


Thursday 7 May 2020

Week of May 5th to 8th At Home Highlights

Hello Families,  

This week you can see Nico at the beach, throwing a rock into the water, and biking with his mom.  Julia is balancing on her skateboard.  Jordan is planting a garden and she has included some of her artwork.  The bright colours are very cheerful.  Nico demonstrated how many lemons, cars, and lego men are needed to show 50 cms.  And Cole is biking.  Have you tried out the new trail built by Andrew and his friends in the woods near Gerry's house?  Very cool.  I thought I'd add a couple photos this week.  The house across the street was demolished while we had our small group meetings yesterday.  That's an eagle and me showing how wide 2 metres is.  It is also the length of an adult male cougar.  Wow!

Keep sending photos, please.  I like showing you off to each other!

Friday 1 May 2020

School Away from School April 28th - May 1st

Here are some wonderful examples of this week's learning.  Ethan is using a hydroponic kit to start basil and leeks.  Liam grew then sold sunflowers. He and his brother raised $80.00 for the Food Bank and Lions Gate Hospital.  Owen's dog Teddy is enjoying a snuggle while Owen reads.  Maya has been busy doing in depth reports about the brain and lungs and about the periodic table.  Andrew and his friends have been building a bike trail.  He has also been helping to build a tree house.  Holly has created some colourful art in the style of Andy Warhol.  Dayton made pizza with a face and helped his dad assemble a gaming PC.  And Elizabeth cooked pancakes and made a maze in her bedroom.  Apparently her cat 'triggered the alarm'.  Wow!

I have included a photo of the rhododendron Brooksbank gave Gerry, the gardener, for his hundredth birthday!  Students from our class dug the hole and planted it in February.