Saturday 29 February 2020

Science Compound Machine Projects

The students proudly presented their machines and knowledgeably answered questions about the functions of the simple machines within them.  There were a variety of machines, and they were all creative.  I was impressed by the students' abilities to problem solve when they didn't work perfectly. Thank you Parents for your support with them, and thank you to those of you who were able to come see them.  Your children were happy to show off their work.

Pink Shirt Day

Many students wore pink, and all dressed comfortably.  We thought kind thoughts and remembered that kindness comes in all colours.

Monday 17 February 2020

Valentine's Day Fun and Treats

Gerry the Gardener Turns 100

Gerry turned 100 years old on February 5th.  He was presented with the Freedom of the City award by Mayor Buchanan at North Vancouver City Hall for his work in the garden.  A few students from our class were able to attend.  CBC, CTV, and the North Shore News covered the event.

Unfortunately, days before the ceremony Gerry had a fall.  He was able to attend the event in a wheelchair but had to return to the hospital where he is recovering.  When he is able to join us, Brooksbank will celebrate his birthday with him.

In the meantime we have created 3 banners (Happy / 100th Birthday / Gerry) which are covered with hand prints of Brooksbank students.  A rhododendron was purchased as a gift.  Students from our class dug the hole and planted it.

A Visit from Roanne and Baby Mathis

Roanne visited with Baby Mathis.  He is a year old and doing very well.  Roanne is now working at Queensbury part time as a Visual Language Interpreter.  Mathis had lots of smiles for the students.

Martial Arts

The students took part in a martial arts class.  It was fun and energetic!

Friday 7 February 2020

Owls and the Moon

The students completed these beautiful paintings using sponges, paper cutouts and markers.  They are all unique.

Tuesday 4 February 2020

Compound Machine Project

Compound Machine Project

The students received project outlines today.  Please read these over with your child and sign the orange outline by Thursday.  More explanation will be given in class as well as some time to work on a rough draft.  I am happy to answer any questions and deal with any concerns.  Thank you.

The students have been learning about how simple machines (lever, wheel and axle, pulley, inclined plane, screw, and wedge) are used to produce forces (push, pull, turn, and lift) to overcome forces such as gravity, load, and friction. Now the students will be making compound machines. The students may work individually or in pairs. More effort will be expected from pairs. 
Requirements for the Compound Machine Project
  • The machine will be made at home. It should incorporate 3 or more of the simple machines listed above.
  • It should be made by the student(s). Adult help is required if power tools are used.
  • It should be made using materials that can (mostly?) be found around a home, (examples: cardboard, thread spools, string, wood scraps, parts of old toys) 
Due Dates: 
Part 1: Thursday February 6th: parent signature
Part 2: Thursday February 13th: Rough Draft which includes: your name(s), title of compound machine, rough labeled diagram of machine, a short paragraph explaining what the machine is supposed to do, a list of materials and equipment
Part 3: Tuesday February 25th: Machine is built and brought to school.
Good Copy of the above: The paragraph should also explain how well the machine works or why it does not. The information must be mounted on a small stand-up poster board (approximately 11”x17”)
Part 4: Tuesday February 25th to Thursday February 27th: Students will present their projects to the class and will be expected to answer questions about them. 
I have read over the assignment with my child. I understand further explanation will be given to the students and that we can ask Ms. Reichert any questions that come up throughout the completion of the project.
Parent’s Signature: __________________________
Student(s) Names: ___________________________________________

Evaluation Criteria
Part 1: Parent Signature shown to Ms. R by Thursday February 6th /2 
Part 2: Rough Draft: handed in by Thursday February 13th and includes -                 /10
  • the title of the compound machine and name(s) of student(s) 
  • a labeled diagram
  • a list of equipment and materials needed
  • a paragraph explaining what the compound machine is supposed to do. It should include scientific words from the Science unit (names of simple machines in project, forces used and overcome, mechanical advantage, etc.) 
The Rough Draft can be in pencil, should be double spaced, and must be legible.
Part 3: Good Copy:  brought to school Tuesday February 25th and includes - 
  • a large bold title of the compound machine and your name(s) 
  • a labelled diagram
  • a list of equipment and materials used 
  • a paragraph explaining what the compound machine is supposed to do. It should include scientific words from the Science unit (names of simple machines in project, forces used and overcome, mechanical advantage, etc.) The paragraph should also explain how well the machine works or why it does not.
  • The written portion can be typed or printed by hand.  It must be tidy and edited.  It should be mounted on a small stand-up poster board. (approximately 11” x17”)
  • Optional: photos and facts about real machines using the same simple machines as in the project, photos of the project in progress etc.
Compound Machine: brought to school Tuesday February 25th /8 
  •   is complete and organized
  •   includes 3 or more simple machines (lever, wheel and axle, pulley, inclined plane, screw, and wedge)
Part 4: Oral Presentation: ready for Tuesday February 25th and includes -              /10
  • a clear explanation of how the machine was made (where the ideas came from, steps in construction, problems that were encountered and solutions, parents’ roles, etc.) 
  • list and point out simple machines in the compound machine
  • a clear explanation and demonstration of how it works 
The presenter(s) - 
•    speaks in a loud clear voice

  • makes eye contact with the audience 
  • has appropriate posture 
  • is able to answer questions about the project