Friday 16 May 2014

Social Studies Project

The students will be given time in class to complete much of this project, but work will need to be done at home as well.  Please see me if clarification is needed.  Due dates will be assigned weekly.

A Report About A Canadian Explorer or an Explorer in Canada

Name: _______________ Parent Signature: _________________

The explorer I chose is: _______________

1. a) Go over the assignment with a parent and have this signed.
b) Choose an explorer and bring books, information from the internet etc. to
Due: _________________

2. On a timeline show the dates and a brief description of:
a) his/ her birth
b) important events / accomplishments in his/ her life
c) his/her death
Due: _________________

3. Design a poster advertising a visit by the explorer. Use words and pictures to
make the event sound exciting. Let us know why we should be interested.
Due: _________________

4. You are the explorer visiting the classroom. Prepare a short speech telling us
about your life and especially about your accomplishments. You may use the
timeline, poster, and other visuals such as maps, photographs, 3D items. Make
sure you have an introduction and closing.
Speech Cards Due: __________________
Speech Presentations: ________________

Note: Ms. Reichert will supply paper for timelines, posters, and speech cards.

Evaluation for the Explorer Report

Neat, bold, and attractive
Edited for spelling, punctuation and sentence structure
Interesting, accurate, complete, and important Information

Poster: (Catches the readerʼs attention)
Neat, bold, and attractive
Edited for spelling, punctuation and sentence structure
Includes Interesting, accurate, and important Information

Oral Report:
is well prepared and organized
speaks clearly and naturally with good voice projection
makes eye contact (glances at notes, does not read them)
has good posture
provides interesting, accurate, complete, and important information
includes a closing
