Friday 19 December 2014

A Busy Last Week of School in 2014

The students wrote stories about Bob the Cat.  Bob is a real cat who was found injured by a homeless busker, James Bowen, in London, England.  He decided to care for the cat, and the cat became his constant companion. The pair have become famous.  James plays guitar and Bob does tricks.  People stop to take pictures.  Bob has been given hand knit scarves, and at least 3 books have been written about the pair.  It is a great lesson about compassion. The students wrote stories about Bob's life before he met James.  They were wonderful to read!  Thank you for your assistance with editing.  In January they will share them with their Grade 1 buddies.

Class Party

Inuit People Projects

The students have completed projects about the Inuit.  As a class we chose sub-topics.  After we  completed a poster about the environment and climate of the Arctic as a class, each group of 4 was given a different sub-topic to research.  They chose how to divide the work into pairs.  I was impressed by how well they cooperated with each other and how much they learned about choosing relevant information and presenting it on a poster.  (The class chose the criteria for the posters.)

 In January, they will take turns teaching the rest of the class about their sub-topic.

A Yummy and Fun Art Project - Melted Snowmen

Have a safe, very happy holiday!

Tuesday 16 December 2014

Jingle Walk

Thank you Valla (Laleh's mom), Christy (Tyler's mom), and Peggy (Naomi's mom) for helping us deliver flyers and collect food and to all who were able to make a food donation.  Needy families will have more to eat this season.

Monday 15 December 2014

Christmas Concert

I hope you were all able to attend the Christmas concert.  Weren't your kids great?  A huge thanks to Mrs. Dunkley, Mr. Clarke, and Mrs. Martin especially, and of course all of you for your support.

Note: Niagara falls outside our classroom door that night.

Saturday 6 December 2014

Christmas Concert and the Jingle Mingle

As I'm sure you know, our class performs in the Christmas concert on Wednesday at 12:40 and at 7:00.

Here's what the children should wear.
- girls should wear bright shirts
- (Poodle skirts will be provided)
- boys should wear white shirts and black pants
- 'leather' or sporty jackets (a la 50s)
- slicked back hair

The children have worked hard.  It should be fun to watch.

The jingle mingle was another huge success from my perspective at the make your own wrapping paper station.  The children were so excited about the presents they knew their special family members would love.  Our class basket looked amazing.  

Thank you for your generosity and all your hard work!

Thursday 4 December 2014

A Herd of Reindeer (We made these with our Grade 1 buddies.)

Class Party

The students have earned a party!  They have decided to be cozy, watch a movie, and eat treats.

The date:  Tues. Dec. 16th  

What to Bring:
reusable plate and cup, plastic bag for dirty dishes
pyjamas, blanket or sleeping bag, pillow, stuffy (optional)

Some students have volunteered to bring snacks, desserts, fruit or vegetable trays, and drinks.  Hopefully they have told you by now.  THANK YOU!  Of course, if you are unable to help out in this way, please have your child let me know.

If you are sending food, please send enough for a small amount for each student. (Approximately 4 students volunteered for each food/drink category.)

Please pre cut desserts and provide serving utensils if applicable.  Please supply large bowls for snack food.

Thanks again

Wednesday 3 December 2014

Jingle Bell Flyer Delivery and Food Collection

Our annual jingle bell food drive will begin next week.  I would appreciate having 1 or 2 parents walk with us next Friday (the 12th) at 1:00 to approximately 2:00 as we deliver flyers in the neighbourhood.

On Monday the 15th at 1:00,  we need 1 parent to drive along with us as we collect food and hopefully 1 or 2 parents to walk with us.

Thanks for your support with this.

Election Scavenger Hunt

It was great to hear that so many students were able to go with you to the polling stations.

Totem Poles Telling Stories