Friday 19 December 2014

A Busy Last Week of School in 2014

The students wrote stories about Bob the Cat.  Bob is a real cat who was found injured by a homeless busker, James Bowen, in London, England.  He decided to care for the cat, and the cat became his constant companion. The pair have become famous.  James plays guitar and Bob does tricks.  People stop to take pictures.  Bob has been given hand knit scarves, and at least 3 books have been written about the pair.  It is a great lesson about compassion. The students wrote stories about Bob's life before he met James.  They were wonderful to read!  Thank you for your assistance with editing.  In January they will share them with their Grade 1 buddies.

Class Party

Inuit People Projects

The students have completed projects about the Inuit.  As a class we chose sub-topics.  After we  completed a poster about the environment and climate of the Arctic as a class, each group of 4 was given a different sub-topic to research.  They chose how to divide the work into pairs.  I was impressed by how well they cooperated with each other and how much they learned about choosing relevant information and presenting it on a poster.  (The class chose the criteria for the posters.)

 In January, they will take turns teaching the rest of the class about their sub-topic.

A Yummy and Fun Art Project - Melted Snowmen

Have a safe, very happy holiday!