Friday 17 April 2015

Goodbye Miss Sallaway

Today we said goodbye to our wonderful student teacher Miss Sallaway.  We wish her success as she completes summer courses and in her job search in the fall.  We will miss her, but she has promised to come back to visit. 

Thanks for making our celebration special by sending flowers and treats today. 

Here are a few words from her.

To the parents of this wonderful class:

I cannot express how grateful I am to have been a part of such a wonderful community. I am lucky to have worked with such a welcoming, thoughtful, and unique group of individuals. I have learned so much from these students, and will carry this experience with me throughout my career. Thank you for the time and support you have provided at home, and for the flowers and treats - such a lovely surprise on my last day!

All the best to you and your families!

Thank you again,

Bria Sallaway


The Grade 4 students will begin the FRIENDS program next week.  It is a program designed to teach children how to recognize signs of stress and to give them coping skills.  Each student will receive a booklet.  You can support your child by looking at the booklet with him/her and discussing the homework assignments.  I have included the letter to parents (below).

Tuesday 14 April 2015

Health Fair

UBC students presented a health fair to the Grades 4 and 5 students.  The students learned about

body image, the cons of smoking and alcohol, and how to choose nutritious drinks and snacks through fun interactive activities.

Saturday 11 April 2015

Miss Salloway's Last Day is Next Friday

Our class has been lucky to have had Miss Salloway working with us as a student teacher.  Her energy, enthusiasm, and care for the children has been obvious.  Next Friday (April 17th) is her last day with us.  The students will be making her a thank you booklet.  I would appreciate each student bringing 1 or 2 flowers from your gardens on Friday April 17th.  I will fill a vase with these for her.  It might also be nice to have a few treats to add to our celebration.  If you are able to send a dessert item or a fruit plate, please let me know by e-mail.

Thank you for your support with this.

Wednesday 1 April 2015

Space Voyage

Actually space came to us.  Bill from the planetarium taught us lots of interesting facts

as we sat inside a bubble with stars, planets, etc. travelling above us.