Thursday 20 October 2016

Compassion Project - I Can Make a Difference

We have been reading about, discussing, and completing activities related to our school code of conduct - compassion in thought, word, and deed.  Now it's time to research problems and take action.

The students should have brought home an outline of their compassion project - I Can Make a Difference.  Parts 1 and 2 are due on Monday Oct. 24th.  Please read through the outline with your child and sign your name. (Part 1).  Part 2 requires a brief explanation of the problem.  Please  encourage your child to choose a problem that interests him/her.  (We have discussed this in class and many have chosen problems already.  A number have chosen cancer and the SPCA, which is great to see, but more variety would be even better.

The next step (Part 3) is researching the problem.  Guiding questions have been provided on the outline.  The students will be given time to work on this next week.

Many students have already jumped to the 4th part of the project - taking action.  Here again, I would like to encourage a variety of actions.  (At this point many seem keen to raise money, which again is great, but it would be wonderful to see different actions as well.)

The project outline is included below so you can refer to it if your child's Health and Career duo tang is at school.  I will assign due dates weekly, which will appear on the green outline, on this post, and on the Tests and Projects page of this blog.

Thank you for supporting your child with this.

Compassion Project - I Can Make a Difference

Part 1 due Mon. Oct. 24th / 2

Read the following outline to your parents.  A parent’s signature is required at the end of this outline to indicate he/she has read this with you.

Part 2 due Mon. Oct. 24th                           / 3

Do some research to help you choose a problem that interests you.  This can involve animals, people (young, old, etc.) or the natural environment which connects us all.  It can be a local problem, a problem in a different country or anywhere in between.   Describe the problem briefly below.



Part 3  The Problem rough draft due  Monday Oct. 31st                                                  / 5

In a paragraph, describe the problem in more detail.  You will need to do some research.  Use the following questions to guide you. 

  • What is the problem? (a disease, habitat loss, wildlife encounters, warming temperatures etc.)
  • Who or what is affected by the problem? (children, adults, groups of people, type of animal, area of the community or world)
  • Use numbers to describe how large the problem is (number of people, number of animals, area of land, oceans etc.)
  • Where does the problem take place (a local stream, tropical rain forests, on farms etc.)

Choose a few visuals to illustrate the problem (photos, graphs, maps etc.)  I do not need to see these yet.

Complete the Reference page provided by Ms. Reichert. / 3

Part 4  Your Plan to Make a Difference detailed rough draft  due Monday November 7th             / 5

Describe what you will do to make a difference.  In a paragraph, describe your plan and goals. (an amount of $ you will raise and how, what you will do with the $, an amount of garbage you will collect, Where you will volunteer, a letter to a member of government, a pamphlet you will design to raise awareness etc.) How will you know you have reached your goal to make a difference?

Part 5  Your Plan in Action due Monday November 21st

Document yourself in your efforts to make a difference.  This can include a journal, photos, charts, videos etc.  When you have completed the action, please ask a parent to sign below.  I do not need to see anything for Part 5 at this time.
parent’s signature:  _________________________________
Part 6  Results of Your Efforts to Make a Difference rough draft due Monday November 28th   / 5
In a paragraph describe the results of your efforts.  Use these questions to guide you.

  • Did you reach your goals?  
  • How do you know you made a difference?  
  • Are you pleased with the difference made?  Why or why not?  
  • Would you do anything differently another time? 

Part 7   Project Presentation due Friday December 9, 2016 / 10

Put it all together.  You may present this to the class any way you wish.  This could include a poster, video, power point etc.  Your presentation will need:

  • a title and your name 
  • a description of the problem with visuals to illustrate it (see Part 3)
  • the reason you chose the problem
  • a description of your plan to make a difference (see Part 4)
  • evidence of your actions to make a difference (see Part 5)
  • the results of your effort to make a difference (see Part 6)

Final work should be typed and edited.  

I have read the project outline with my child.  I understand further information will be given by Ms. Reichert, class time will be provided to work on this, but some work will need to be completed at home.  I know my child and I can contact Ms. Reichert with questions and concerns as they arise.  

Parent’s Signature:  ____________________________________________________________________________