Wednesday 21 December 2016

I Can Make a Difference Projects Completed!

The students have worked hard on a project that had several steps and took place over a couple months at least.

For your information, this is what a group of 10 year olds (with a little help) accomplished.  The students sold treats and toys at school and in the community.  They collected bottles and completed extra chores to earn money.  They talked to younger students about the dangers of smoking and abuse of alcohol.  A student wrote a letter to a UN ambassador, another wrote to a local MP, and one wrote to Starbucks asking for a donation of coffee which was sold in order to raise funds for a good cause. One student monitored her use of water because she was concerned about water pollution in China and felt we should be thankful and not take clean water for granted.  A student purchased trees which we will plant in the spring.  Two large boxes of necessities and toys were collected for the SPCA, and food and toys were collected for the Harvest Project.  More than $1500.00 was raised to help sick children and adults, hungry people here and abroad, people whose homes were ruined by hurricanes in Haiti and the Philippines, children who want to play sports but do not have enough money, girls who want an education in countries where this is difficult, bears, pine martens, and domestic animals who need good homes.

Their power points and posters were presented with passion and knowledge.  They learned that they can make a difference!  I am incredibly proud of them, and I hope you are too.

This project could not have been completed without the support (and sometimes prodding I'm sure), time, and help throughout the process from parents.  A huge thank you to all of you!

More photos to come in the New Year.