Monday 26 June 2017

And more Pool and Park Fun Photos

More Pool and Park Fun Photos

End of Year Celebration

A gorgeous day!  Great parent helpers - Thank you Justine (Grace's mom), Rose (Dede's mom), Allison (Campbell's mom), Pat (Cole's mom), Christine (Marco's mom), and Anne (Lucas B's mom). Thanks also to parents of Division 4 students and to the backup drivers Sean (Caroline's dad) and Jenny (Gavin's mom).  The students were well behaved and had lots of fun.  It was fun and relaxing for the teachers too!

Thursday 22 June 2017

Thank You Division 5 Students

All of the students helped out this year by completing classroom chores, collecting recycled paper, and many helped out handing out hot lunches, peer mediating, monitoring recycle stations, organizing refundable cans and bottles, making announcements, working in the library, shovelling snow, helping me with all kinds of jobs, and helping each other.

Today they were able to reward themselves by playing in the recycle bins!

Art Pizza

The students designed, created, and ate the pizzas.  I was impressed by their creative, collaboration,  and organization skills.

I was lucky to taste a few and they were pretty yummy!