Tuesday 10 October 2017

What Should My Child be Reading?.

A parent asked me what was appropriate for her son to be reading?  After years of teaching and reading about the subject, this is how I responded.  I hope this helps others with the same question.

Basically, your child should be reading what he enjoys.  Eventually what usually happens is that he will get bored of what he is reading and choose something else; the level of difficulty will increase in time.

Sometimes children choose the first book they recognize.  The book may be too easy or too difficult.
If your child makes more than 5 mistakes while reading a page, it is probably too difficult.

If you are reading with your child, choose something more challenging.  Reading can take the form of you reading to him, taking turns reading, him reading to a younger sister, etc.  Magazines, newspapers, graphic novels, chapter books, etc. are all good.  Discussing what is being read is important too.  

I have the students talk about what they're reading with friends.  This way they get other ideas for books from friends with similar interests. The public librarians and Vicky Milner, the school librarian, are good sources for ideas.  I'll pick up brochures for Grades 4 to 6 next time I'm at the public library.  You can as well.

The school library is open at recess and lunch most days for book exchange.

Miss Beleski suggests the following website: https://www.goodreads.com/list/show/18012.Best_10_year_old_boy_books

Reading should be something we all look forward to!