Sunday 30 June 2019

Thank You and Happy Summer!

On Wednesday evening, I looked through the class blog and remembered fondly the many things we've done over the year.  I can't believe how quickly the time has passed.

On Thursday, I told the students how much I enjoyed working with them.  Each one has wonderful qualities and I feel lucky to have gotten to know them.

On Friday, I finished packing up the class, and yesterday I did a lot of napping!

Today I am writing to say thank you to the parents for your generous gifts: the class gift - gift certificates and wine.  How perfect!  And other gifts!  I feel very spoiled.  I also really appreciate the kind messages on cards, e-mails and in person!

Thank you for all your support over the year at school and at home!

Much appreciation!

Have a wonderful summer!


Friday 28 June 2019

Science Experiments

The students were excited to present experiments and teach the class about their findings.  Some chose to do live demonstrations and others used video.  All were fun to watch and we learned from them.

Thursday 27 June 2019

Fun With Recycling Bins

Another perk of being the class that took care of recycling...  One of the children said it was the most fun thing we did this year.  Seriously??

Saturday 22 June 2019


The students had a taste of ringette last week.  They enjoyed a quick skills practice and a short game.

Our Year End Celebration

Throughout the school year the students monitored recycling stations at lunch time.  They collected paper recycling and made sure paper bins were taken to the curb for pickup.  With the money they earned from refundable containers, they were able to pay for swimming and a treat.  They have also worked hard and earned a party.  We had a great day at the park and in the pool!  Thank you again to parents who drove and helped supervise.